We've known for a while that the ISS will be vacated in 2030, but I still can't but feel sad about it. The station was created by brilliant minds, and it's a miraculous piece of machinery. The ISS also brought opposing nations together, despite their contentious past. It helped spread good will within the scientific community. I will miss it. It's like saying goodbye to an old friend.

The end of an era
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That is unfortunate news. It will take forever to build a new center for space exploration and research. With how hard it is currently to get new data or perform research on the topic, I feel like we are going to lose a lot of progress. Do we know why the station had to shut down?
Do we know why the station had to shut down?
That's exactly what I'm wondering (?) Why would something this monumental be shut down. I just don't understand it.
This is not a good news at all. The ISS have been doing a very good job, and they are good at what they do. Why shut them down? Well, to me they are irreplaceable.
the end of an era may be ,we still don't know,but every year or every decade technology will upgrade
We are still advancing in technology. But we don't know the end of the era.
Maybe there will be some renovation, or it is also possible that they'll be using the ISS in a different way serving new missions. I look forward to what will happen, but I'm pretty sure they can't just abandon that big of a structure.
the ISS is old but the end is not near.
The first Modules was bring 1998 into Space. That means, some Modules are over 20-25 years old. You need to understand: 20-25 Years old electric and life support Devices.
Originally, operation of the ISS was planned until 2020 at the latest.
The first plan was to bring back the Modules, with the Space Shuttle to Earth. But this was canceled because the Space Shuttle was stopped.
The next plan was to let the individual modules fall to the ground and let them burn up in the air. I am not 100% sure if this was canceled too. Maybe not for all Modules?
Russia want to use his own Modules for his new Space Station, they are building.
NASA ordered the Company Axiom Space for continued operation of the space station as a commercial product. So the era is not end
And we are building a new space station with the Artemis Program but this time around the orbit of the moon -> Lunar Gateway
I think this marks a new birth for the ISS. It has served humanity well over the two decades.
According to NASA, the International Space Station will continue to function until 2030, at which point it will plunge onto Point Nemo, an unpopulated region of the Pacific Ocean. After the ISS is retired, NASA said three free-flying space stations would take its place to carry on the mission.
The ISS has had a great contribution to humanity's understanding of space. It will always hold a special place in human history.
This is new to me. The station had to be shut down? Why have I not heard about this? That's really fascinating to know more about
The ISS is a vital tool for advancing our understanding of space and the universe as well as promoting international cooperation and scientific discovery. It has contributed to the advancements in human spaceflight, scientific research, technological development, and education and outreach for students and general public over the past so many years.
NASA has announced the Artemis program which aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024, and the ISS will still be in operation during this time, it will be used as a test bed for technology and techniques that will be needed for future lunar missions, and it will also continue to be used for scientific research and technology development.
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