Many of us grew up knowing pluto as the ninth planet. As we all know, that changed a couple of years ago. Was the scientific community justified in their decision to demote Pluto from planetary status?
Posts by Davis
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It is just over a year since the James Webb Space Telescope became operational. What are some of the discoveries that it has made that are bound to change the way we view the universe? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Artemis is going to open a whole new frontier with the dicoveries it will make. I simply can't wait.
I think it's a great move. It should help us monitor how global warming is affecting our water bodies.
The ISS has had a great contribution to humanity's understanding of space. It will always hold a special place in human history.
At a cost of 10 billion dollars to build, it was well worth it. Best part is that this is just a year into its operation.