Posts by onlyhuman

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    You are not alone, Belinda! I know that stories like this need some drama which at times feels unnecessary. But I remember the movie for Matt Damon's performance, how his character improvised under such a tough situation, and how depressing it was to keep up hope under isolation (though we probably could've seen more of this). If it were me, I would not survive at all!

    That is unfortunate news. It will take forever to build a new center for space exploration and research. With how hard it is currently to get new data or perform research on the topic, I feel like we are going to lose a lot of progress. Do we know why the station had to shut down?

    I always enjoy looking up at the sky to check on the Moon when I go out in the evening. It's interesting that on a closer look from the telescopes, the Moon's surface seems to radiate something completely different. We see the same crescent shape, but the craters make it look rough yet strong!

    Did you see how the telescope captured new galaxies? It feels beyond imagination to think that planets and stars are forming somewhere out there, possibly with new lifeform too. Will this powerful telescope let us see those new details too someday? It will be such a breakthrough in understanding aliens.

    Your question makes me realize that I follow organizations more than people. I'm sure you know the generally popular ones, like NASAHubble, ISS, SpaceX, JAXA, or European Space Agency. Someone I recently found is Janna Levin on Twitter; she usually explores black hole topics.

    Thank you, everyone. Maddie's idea is especially nice, I should've thought about it sooner! I'm sure there are actually many stargazing events from various public places other than colleges, so I just need to find a few that are beginner-friendly. It will be nice to go to a mass viewing event if there's anything like that.

    I'm right there with you, Mars. There's too much that needs to be done down here before we spend all that money to be able to play in outer space. Now, if people can find things in the stardust out in the universe to help us down here, that's a different story. But it's not recess time quite yet.

    How beautiful it would be if those theoretical resources could actually help us to build a more affordable spacecraft or become an alternative energy source. Looking into ways to bring more people to explore the huge space will be beneficial to the research anyway, so it's not a bad direction to pursue.

    I do want to give it a try—I bet this kind of trip can only happen once in our lifetime!

    This topic always fascinates me. We see nothing from outer space footage we've had so far, but there are also situations that are hard to understand if we insist that we are the only ones.

    Sometimes my brain cells talk like this: if I think that alien plants or animals are highly possible, why do I push aside the possibility that there may be human counterparts out there?

    Hello, world! After enjoying staring at the sky and the space images for a while, I decided to take the next step to experience those views through my own eyes. There is still a lot for me to check, especially the tools and environment for such nights, so any tips will be much appreciated.

    I am mostly looking forward to seeing the planets, but maybe I should tone down my expectations a little, right?