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  • I'm wondering if as we start building our colonies on Mars, will our furry friends join us? I know that it wouldn't be a top priority, but I also think that it would be helpful for the mental health of the colonists.

  • I have never thought of the possibility of having our pets in space with us, but it sure sounds like a good idea! I obviously don't see myself moving to Mars LOL, but if I ever do, I would definitely want to take my cat with me :D

  • I haven't thought that far ahead because humans would already have difficulty with the adjustments. I also feel that animals would find it harder to adapt there, especially since the ecosystem is entirely different. It's an idea to consider, especially since pets are also family.

  • Even before Yuri Gagarin, the first man who ventured into space, many animals were sent into space. Laika the dog was the first animal to orbit the Earth. Everything is tested on animals before we humans take the plunge.

  • I have wondered why PETA has not raised its voice against sending animals on unmanned spacecrafts. One cannot imagine what pain the animal undergoes in flight.

  • It's also important to consider the ethical and moral implications of taking animals with us to a new planet and potentially subjecting them to those harsh conditions. It's possible that in the future, scientists and researchers may develop ways to genetically engineer or create animals that are better suited to life on Mars, but it is still a long way off.

  • It's also important to consider the ethical and moral implications of taking animals with us to a new planet and potentially subjecting them to those harsh conditions. It's possible that in the future, scientists and researchers may develop ways to genetically engineer or create animals that are better suited to life on Mars, but it is still a long way off.

    Absolutely, the harsh conditions on Mars, including the high levels of radiation, extreme temperatures, and lack of atmospheric pressure, would not be suitable for most forms of terrestrial life.

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