I'm starting to wonder if a colony on the Moon would be a good starting point, instead of jumping to a Mars colony right away. If we colonize the Moon, we'll have easier access to the colony as opposed to a colony on Mars. Supply trips will be shorter and the colonists will have (relatively!) easier access to resources.
Posts by Foster
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This is so cool! I love that we are always discovering new species. There are so many species yet to discover, and I think the aquatic sphere is chronically under researched. I'm excited for more discoveries!
I'm wondering if as we start building our colonies on Mars, will our furry friends join us? I know that it wouldn't be a top priority, but I also think that it would be helpful for the mental health of the colonists.
I would sleep better at night knowing that there was an asteroid hunter keeping us safe! But I also think that it would require a lot of organization between countries, and I don't think that our world leaders are ready to cooperate on something like that.
Humans living in space is definitely a possibility, in my view! I think that we are advancing very quickly scientifically and it is only a matter of time until we have a human colony on Mars!
I find space to be inherently terrifying. It's too big and too unknown. As much as I love to learn about it, I would never want to go there myself!
I don't think that time travel is real. It seems like a good plot point in a science fiction movie, but not something that humans could actually do.
Saturn is my favorite for an obvious reason. The rings are simply majestic.
Saturn is a close second for me! The rings are so beautiful and they make Saturn look very unique and instantly recognizable.
I'm not on social media much, so I don't follow a lot of people or organizations. Occasionally I'll hop on and see what NASA has posted, but other than that, not much. This conversation is making me want to change that!
Robots go a lot of places and do a lot of things that humans simply aren't able to do. I think that using robots to aid in colonization of other planets will definitely happen!
Terraforming Venus seems like a distant dream at this point. We just don't have the technology right now to even begin. That being said, I think it could be something that we as a species could accomplish once our technology catches up with our dreams.
I personally love looking at images of Jupiter. I think that the stripes are dynamic and mesmerizing. It's been my favorite since I was a kid. What is your favorite planet to look at images of?
I think that this show doesn't have a lot of basis in fact. Whenever I watch it, I think of it as fun speculative fiction. I think that there's a lot we don't understand about history, but we shouldn't jump to "aliens did it".
I saw that there was a Twitter poll asking if Musk should step down at Twitter CEO. Apparently, the majority of respondents said that he should step down. I'm not surprised by the results, but I doubt anything will come of the poll other than some headlines, like this one.
Elon Musk polls Twitter on whether he should step down, most vote yes (cnbc.com)