I really do think aliens exist. All those UFO sightings can't all be from crazy people.

Do you believe in aliens?
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I will believe in aliens once I see them. Until then, nope.
Aliens totally exist. It's only a matter of time before we make the inevitable contact.
I definitely believe in aliens. Realistically speaking though, I expect that their appearance might be similar to reptiles. If not, we'll just have to think of a body system that would manage to stay alive in space.
To me aliens doesn't exist, it's just a fallacy and untrue story made up by movie script writers.
Technically speaking, aliens are any life forms that do not originate from earth and not necessarily intelligent or advanced life forms. If you look at it from that perspective, even bacteria or other lower forms of life that may not have an earthly origin can be considered aliens. Looking at it from that perspective, there's a very high likelihood that aliens do exist.
Well, do you? I have an uncle who is into the conspiracy stuff. He firmly believes that the government has made contact with other intelligent beings and is hiding it from us. I don't personally buy into that theory, but I'm not going to rule out the possibility that there's another life out there. Where do you fall on the alien scale?
I don't have any clear indicators but I have some belief the information gathered in all those movies and articles on Aliens is far too compelling and might bare some truth. Anyway, I am a 50/50 believer if there is anything like that around hoping to get clear proof to remove my doubts though.
There have been projects put in place like the SETI institute that are specifically tasked with searching for extraterrestrial life. Nothing has been forthcoming so far and therefore we just have to wait.
Technically speaking, aliens are any life forms that do not originate from earth and not necessarily intelligent or advanced life forms. If you look at it from that perspective, even bacteria or other lower forms of life that may not have an earthly origin can be considered aliens. Looking at it from that perspective, there's a very high likelihood that aliens do exist.
This is an accurate way of looking at it. If small 'aliens' such as bacteria exist, then spotting human-sized alien forms may also be possible. Who knows, maybe some people living in rural areas have already seen one.
Personally, i don't believe in aliens. I think they're fictional than real. I might be wrong but i don't believe they exist.
Hey haywhizzle! I totally get where you're coming from, but I gotta say, I'm on Orion's side with this one. I mean, think about it - the universe is a massive place! With billions of galaxies and trillions of stars, it's hard to believe that we're the only ones here. I'm not saying I believe in little green beings walking around, but I'm open to the idea that there could be some form of intelligent life out there. Who knows, maybe they're rocking some sick hockey skills on their own planet! Keep an open mind, my friend! 🚀👽
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