Do you believe in UFO?

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  • There has been several siting of UFO specifically one in Canada over 50 years ago but still there were no clear siting. Personally, I don't think I believe in such as am yet to see the spaceship or UFO in real life or gazetted on local papers. Free to share your beliefs or images to show proof otherwise I am not a believer.

  • I think UFOs exist but the government does all it can to hide the truth. It's only a matter of time anyways.

    Yeah, this rings true. There may even be a lot of discoveries that the government does not disclose to prevent public panic or probably to prevent war.

  • The Roswell incident was the most credible UFO sighting to date. The documentation is overwhelming.

    Will try and look into the Roswell incident and the reports gathered. Hopefully, it will clear my doubts on this topic completely. Thanks

  • More often than not, there exists a rational explanation for most of the things people think are UFOs. Also, I'm baffled as to why all UFO sighting footages always seem to appear grainy despite the powerful smartphone cameras that people carry around nowadays. That's a bit telling, don't you think?

  • We attribute anything unexplainable to our brains to aliens. Over the centuries, we have been able to predict the movement of stars and planets around us and have scientifically approached the different things that have been happening in nature.

  • We attribute anything unexplainable to our brains to aliens. Over the centuries, we have been able to predict the movement of stars and planets around us and have scientifically approached the different things that have been happening in nature.

    Exactly aliens is a controversial subject so is UFO, I have also seen weird flying objects that doesn't seem man made, so we can never say for sure unless we have any concrete proof of life outside Earth.

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