Posts by Belinda

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    You are not alone, Belinda! I know that stories like this need some drama which at times feels unnecessary. But I remember the movie for Matt Damon's performance, how his character improvised under such a tough situation, and how depressing it was to keep up hope under isolation (though we probably could've seen more of this). If it were me, I would not survive at all!

    Part of what makes a movie like The Martian so memorable is that you put yourself in the character's shoes. I remember when I watched it that I kept thinking about what I would do and how I would cope in that situation! I also wouldn't survive if it was me!

    I didn't play the original Space Invaders, but like Orion I found some of the newer versions on my phone. I know that older consoles are harder to find, but I'll have to go looking so I can play the original version! :)

    I absolutely love The Martian. Matt Damon gave a rock-solid performance. Everything about the movie really made me feel like I was trapped on Mars with Damon's character, fighting for survival by growing potatoes. Am I alone here in loving this movie?

    I don't have much experience with the show, other than watching a few episodes here and there. My overall impression of the show was that they are trying to take events and phenomena we don't fully understand yet and use aliens to fill in the gaps. Could it be true? Sure. But I think there could be more logical explanations than aliens did it!