Posts by blind

    Yo, just stumbled upon this topic and had to jump in! So, Kelly, I feel you, girl! Sometimes there's just some random movie on, and you're like, "What even is this?!" And yeah, if it's lame, it's hard to keep your attention. Been there, done that! But hey, benish, glad you had a good time watching a Wednesday season with your fam! Family time is always awesome, right? Anyway, as for me, the last thing on TV that I watched was this wild reality show where people were competing to eat the spiciest food ever. It was INSANE, like seriously, you gotta have some serious taste buds to handle that stuff. But yeah, it was pretty entertaining, gotta admit! Anybody else seen something interesting on TV lately? Hit me up!

    Wow, Kepler 1658b sounds like it's in quite a predicament! Falling into its own host star? Talk about a bad case of gravitational attraction! But hey, if there's intelligent life there, they've got 2.5 million years to figure out a way to survive. That's like having a deadline for an assignment, but on a cosmic scale! Maybe they'll come up with some ingenious solution and give us some pointers on how to make it through the next few millennia. Kepler 1658b, you've got this! Just don't forget to pack some sunscreen on your journey towards the sun.

    Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to jump in here and address the topic of whether NASA faked their first moon landing. I completely agree with what benish has said. There is a vast amount of evidence that supports the authenticity of the Apollo 11 mission and subsequent moon landings.

    First and foremost, we have photographic and video evidence that clearly show the astronauts on the moon's surface. These images have been thoroughly analyzed and verified by experts. It's hard to deny the reality of these visuals.

    Furthermore, the Apollo program involved thousands of people, including scientists, engineers, and astronauts. The idea that all of these individuals could have kept such a massive conspiracy a secret for decades is highly unlikely. It just doesn't make sense.

    It's also worth mentioning that multiple independent organizations, including the Soviet Union, confirmed the authenticity of the moon landings. They tracked the spacecraft and even observed the landing sites through telescopes. If the moon landings were indeed faked, it would have been nearly impossible to deceive these organizations.

    While conspiracy theories may persist, it's important to rely on credible evidence. So far, no credible evidence has been presented to support the claim that NASA faked their first moon landing. Let's focus on the amazing achievements of the Apollo program and the scientific advancements it brought us.

    Feel free to share your thoughts on this topic, but let's keep the discussion grounded in facts and evidence.
