How will the universe end?

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  • I'm not sure if it's a theory, but there's this thing called the 'big rip.' It talks about how everything would be pulled apart, from the cosmos to the smallest atoms. I can't imagine how that'll go, and it's not like humans would still exist by that time.

  • There are different theories about how the universe may end. Some say it would be a big crunch and some say it will be a big freeze. It seems very logical that life on earth will end once the Sun burns out and turns into a rock. But before burning out, it would expand in size and that itself will destroy the planets near it.

  • It is estimated that the universe will end in another 22 billion years later. There are different theories circulating but no one is able to make a concrete prediction about the end of the Universe.

  • There are several theories about how the universe might end, but the most widely accepted one is the "heat death" scenario, also known as the "Big Freeze." In this scenario, the universe will continue to expand, and the energy in the universe will be evenly distributed, resulting in a state of maximum entropy. As a result, the universe will become dark and cold, with no available energy to sustain life or any other activity. This is expected to happen billions or trillions of years from now.

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