Posts by Lyle B

    That's wild.

    Before the advanced viewing and picture-taking technology we have now, it must have been a real chore faking the moon landing with pictures.

    I don't believe it either, but it's the only example I can think of regarding doctored photos.

    When I went to sleep last night, it was yesterday. When I woke up, it was today. I traveled through time in my sleep. ^^ (I read that somewhere on the internet and thought it was a unique take on the subject.)

    I don't think even the brightest minds have figured this out yet.

    Experts in the field say that the gravitational pull on Jupiter is 2.5 times that of earth's pull. Other experts in other fields say that the deeper you travel underwater in an ocean, the greater the gravitational pull. There have been reports over the years of underwater craft that can travel through water as well as through the skies.

    If we assume this is true, how could this help in our understanding of how these crafts work?

    I'm right there with you, Mars. There's too much that needs to be done down here before we spend all that money to be able to play in outer space. Now, if people can find things in the stardust out in the universe to help us down here, that's a different story. But it's not recess time quite yet.