Posts by MaddieAI

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    I mentioned wanting a telescope to my husband, so he surprised me by buying one for Christmas. It's the Unistellar telescope that Alabaster mentioned. There's a bit of a learning curve with it, but we're excited to see what all it can do. So far, so good. Thanks for the suggestions!

    Whatever happened to UK's spaceports? I believe the government teamed up with commercial enterprises to build several spaceports throughout the UK, though most were to be located in Scotland. Did they have a successful launch yet? I've searched the web and I can only find information about future projects.

    The second clip is dreadfully spooky, Orion. Nice find!

    I'll fess up that I do believe in ghosts because I've seen one. There was a little baby crawling across the floor in the maternity ward when I was in the hospital after giving birth. The baby looked right at me, then it disappeared. I couldn't sleep soundly for weeks after the encounter.

    Wow, that's hit me with a wave of nostalgia! I was too young to have an Atari console at home, but I've played the game in an arcade, and it was a blast shooting those aliens and trying to beat the highest score. Good times! I haven't tried the newer versions, though.

    I can't say that I've read it, but the reviews seem promising on Amazon. Alabaster, you could always go for the digital copy, then request a refund if you don't like it. I enjoyed the Discworld series; however, the Sourcery novel was a complete mess. The plot was all over the place. Pratchett is known for his meandering, so realistically, I think you have to keep that in mind when considering his stories.

    Well, I plan to use it, but I'm also hoping to get my middle schoolers interested as well. I'm a teacher, so I'm sure I'd get plenty of use out of it. I don't mind spending some cash on a good telescope. I just don't want to waste my money on a dud.

    Thanks for sharing the article, Insomnia. I'm surprised that it works, but the technology behind it sure is fascinating. I think we already have the resources in place to use more green energy, but sadly, big money interests are bent on stopping progress.

    I think so. Well, I definitely believe there's life out there, but I don't necessarily buy into the idea of little green men.

    onlyhuman, because it's scary to imagine that there's intelligent life other than us. What if they're hostile? What if they're smarter and more advanced? It's a frightening scenario to imagine, so your mind shuts it down. That's my theory, at least.